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Helen Braid

Helen Braid, Midwife, Delivery Suite, Bedford Hospital

Helen was nominated for this prestigious award for the exceptional care she provided to a grateful patient.

“We struggled with 2 previous miscarriages and finally after IVF we ended up with a successful pregnancy. The pregnancy for me was very difficult with all kinds of symptoms and ailments which again gave me a lot of anxiety as to whether our baby boy would arrive safely.

“After spontaneously going into labour at home at 33 weeks I was extremely scared and nervous when I was told that the baby was on his way. Helen and her student midwife were fantastic over my 2 day labour. Helen was just what I needed in a midwife at that time and was the true definition of what a midwife should be. My interests and safety were always at the heart of her work and decisions. She was comforting, caring and extremely supportive to me in my situation. I felt listened to every stop of the way and when things got really difficult, Helen stepped into to make sure my views were heard and understood by other professionals.

“Helen kept me calm and focused as my labour resulted in a C-section she even stayed past her shift end time to support me through the operation and to welcome my baby into the world.

“I feel Helen should be recognised for her dedication and support that she gave me during one of the most important times of my life.”