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Tracey Davies

Tracey Davies, Delivery Suite, Luton & Dunstable

“I was moved from antenatal ward to delivery suite, as baby’s heart rate was dropping. When moved to delivery suite, I was handed to Tracey, which I would say it was from God’s hand. Tracey managed to put a pain free cannula, by this itself she gained my full confidence. She was patient, listening to my concerns, monitoring me and baby with utmost care. She read my history, medical conditions, and medications. Whenever there was a doctor/consultant in our room she explained every detail with nothing missed. I was amazed how quickly she studied my case, as in between she was performing other duties like giving me IVs, monitoring my contractions, baby heartbeat, BP etc.

“The plan was for emergency C-Section as baby was in distress. Tracey was doing every step in a calm way which helped me to stay calm even during contractions. The planned surgery was at 11pm but my contractions were getting worse. All I could say to Tracey was that I am feeling something beneath. That’s when the whole team were informed and Tracey led the huddle, putting my interests first. She quickly requested for the Consultant’s few minutes to examine me.

“On examination she noticed 5cm dilated and that my water had broken. Suddenly heart beat could not be detected. She quickly initiated my transfer to theatre, where the team was preparing for C-section. By then the baby was coming out. I could hear the midwife saying ‘Neera push hard’ and felt one of the midwives taking helping the baby out.

“That moment I thanked Tracey and the whole team of midwives and the consultant, everyone. A big salute to the whole Luton Maternity team, delivery suite, antenatal and postnatal. Last year we had a similar experience with our second baby – they have always excelled in their care to all mothers and babies.”