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About Us

Attending a Type 2 diabetes information day is an essential part of every patient’s free package of NHS diabetes care. Learning more about successfully managing diabetes will help individuals more effectively look after their health and help reduce the future risk of developing long-term life-changing health complications.

Courses are held at various venues across Bedfordshire, including Bedford, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Biggleswade, Flitwick and Shefford. If you receive an invitation to attend a DESMOND day, please ensure that you respond to the opt in letter when it arrives by phoning the office number or emailing the email address on the letter and reserve your place on a day and at a location suitable for you. Participants are always very welcome to bring a friend or relative with them.

The diabetes education team is a friendly, experienced, award-winning team of diabetes educators and administrators dedicated to supporting the Bedfordshire community with evidence-based information and education about managing Type 2 diabetes. You can learn more on the DESMOND website.

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