Service: Obesity Services (Bariatrics)
Links page
You may find the below links useful. They offer guidance to help you with your weight loss journey and helpful tips for life after surgery. Surgery: NICE – Referral and […]
Referral Area
We are located at Junction 11 of the M1 and have a train station located within walking distance of the hospital. Although most of our patients come from the East […]
Gastric bypass (roux-en-y)
Gastric bypass combines restrictive and Malabsorptive techniques to produce weight loss: Restrictive– the upper portion of the stomach is stapled to create a small ‘upper stomach’, or pouch about the […]
Gastric sleeve
Sleeve Gastrectomy removes part of the stomach to help with weight loss. The stomach is divided vertically from top to bottom, and the larger stomach section is then removed. This […]
Gastric band
The Gastric Band is an adjustable silicone band placed around the top of the stomach, just below the oesophagus (food pipe). It causes a restriction or narrowing to the top […]
Bariatrics and Obesity (GP information)
The Luton and Dunstable University Hospital has a specialist centre for Obesity Treatment and Research. Our multidisciplinary team provides weight management (medical) and bariatric (surgical) programmes throughout the East of […]