Service: Patient Experience
Your Stay in Hospital
We realise that this can be an anxious time and we will try to keep you informed about all aspects of your care. What you need for an overnight stay: […]
Falls prevention in hospital
People recovering from illness often go through a period of increased risk of falling as they regain mobility. Inevitably, this may result in some accidental falls. Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation […]
Falls information for Outpatients
A fall is defined as an event which causes a person to, unintentionally, rest on the ground or other lower level. Risk of falling increases with age, one third of […]
Use of patient bed rails
This is an information leaflet for patients and visitors regarding the use of hospital bedrails. What are bed rails? Bed rails are usually made out of metal and are generally […]
Information for the carers of people living with Dementia
While you and the person you care for are attending hospital we are determined to provide you both with the best possible care and support. Our aim is to enable […]
Data Protection & Your Information
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust collects large amounts of personal information every day. We are legally obliged under the Data Protection Act 2018 to use this information appropriately and store […]
Comments & Complaints
We want to provide the best service that we can for you at the Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This leaflet gives you information about how to raise a concern […]
Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay
View this information as a video Keeping you safe and well while in hospital is a priority for the staff looking after you. There are also some simple things you […]