Footwear – Repairs and Replacements

Orthotics – Things To Look Out For

When wearing the orthosis, if you notice any of the following in the list below please call the orthotics department and book a face to face review:

  • Skin damage such as blisters, sores, cuts, open wounds, blood or discharge.
  • If the device becomes painful or uncomfortable 2-3 weeks after gradual wear.
  • Any abnormal or new pain since using the device.
  • Increase in trips/falls.
  • The device is showing signs of weakness or something is broken/unstuck.
  • Feeling unsteady, unbalanced or unsafe since using the device.
  • Unable to wear the device.

Footwear Repairs

The shoes we have supplied to you are expensive. We ask you look after them and have them repaired regularly to prolong their lifespan as well as maintain a comfortable fit.

The majority of shoes we provide can be re-soled and heeled at your local cobblers. You can have this done by them if you want to; however, you will need to pay for this. Shoes with special adaptations, for example; flares and elongations may need repairing at the hospital.

If you do not use a local cobbler, please bring the shoes back to us for repairs, free of charge.

Sometimes the shoes are worn down so much that they cannot be repaired easily. Please have them repaired before the uppers get damaged. Once the adaptations are worn or are no longer providing support they need repairing. If your shoes are wearing out very quickly or you are not happy with the sole units please tell us as there may be other options.

When will I be able to have new shoes?

When the Orthotist considers the shoes to be beyond economical repair or are no longer suitable for you they will be condemned.

Please do not throw your old shoes away as the Orthotist needs to see them
before they can order you anymore. They will be replaced if you are still eligible to have your footwear supplied by us.

You can telephone the Orthotic Department if you require further information.

Orthotic Department tel:01582 497198.