A Guide to Your Insoles


You have been supplied with insoles from the Orthotic department. Insoles are supports that are worn inside your footwear to support and position your feet.

Why are they prescribed?

Insoles are prescribed for a number of reasons:

  • To realign and control the foot joints.
  • To provide support to weakened joints or muscles.
  • To stop or limit abnormal motion.
  • To provide protection.
  • To relieve pain or discomfort.
  • Improve foot alignment during gait.

How long should I wear my insoles?

It is best to wear insoles in gradually for the first week. This will get you used to wearing them and any discomfort felt should disappear. However, if you experience pain or discomfort caused by the insoles, stop wearing them and contact the orthotic department.

Each time you take off your shoes check your feet for:

  • Blisters
  • Swelling
  • Cuts
  • Warmth/redness

How long should they be worn?

At first, the insoles may feel uncomfortable so you should gradually wear them in using the following schedule:

  • Day 1: 30-60 minutes
  • Day 2: 1-3 hours
  • Day 3: 3-7 hours
  • Day 4: 7+ hours

Your Orthotist will tell you how long you should build up to, and what activities to wear them for.

Do I need to buy special shoes?

Your insoles are designed to be worn with ordinary footwear.

  • Take your insoles with you when you buy shoes.
  • Occasionally you may need to go up ½ or 1 size to accommodate your insoles.
  • Look for footwear with laces that reach down as far to the toes as possible.
  • Look for shoes that are deep and have adequate width.
  • Sometimes shoes have removable insoles which can be taken out to create more depth for orthotic insoles.
  • Footwear that are sturdy and not too flexible, see an example below:

An example shoe showing deep heel, removable inlays, stiff sole, deep toe box, and hook and fastening laces

What else do I need to know?

Remove insoles from your shoes regularly and check for wear and tear. E.g. tears, splits and creasing. If they become damaged or lost, please contact the Orthotic department.

How do I care for my insoles?

Wipe the top of your insoles with a damp cloth or wet-wipe regularly – do not soak or put them in the washing machine.

If insoles become wet, dry in a well-ventilated area at room temperature. Do not put on a radiator, near a fire, in a tumble dryer or in an airing cupboard.

What happens next?

You may need a review appointment and you will be told this when you are given the insoles. If you have any problems with your insoles contact your orthotist.


The insoles supplied are considered the most appropriate for your condition. Please follow the review advice given to you by the Orthotist. If you require an appointment before this time, please contact the Orthotic Department.

Orthotics – Things To Look Out For

When wearing the orthosis, if you notice any of the following in the list below please call the orthotics department and book a face to face review:

  • Skin damage such as blisters, sores, cuts, open wounds, blood or discharge.
  • If the device becomes painful or uncomfortable 2-3 weeks after gradual wear.
  • Any abnormal or new pain since using the device.
  • Increase in trips/falls.
  • The device is showing signs of weakness or something is broken/unstuck.
  • Feeling unsteady, unbalanced or unsafe since using the device.
  • Unable to wear the device.

Orthotic Department tel:01582 497198.