Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine is one of the most rapidly evolving medical specialisations; procedures carried out are relevant to oncology, cardiology/ vascular, urology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and neurology, all areas of key medical priority. The work environment within this unit is both challenging and stimulating, fulfilling its remit in the development of SPECT and multi-modality imaging as investigative tools particularly in the field of oncology. The clinical service undertakes some 2000+ studies per annum on a single site, with an installed equipment base including one SPECT/CT system, and a DXA bone densitometry system.
We perform a wide range of routine in-patient and out-patient radionuclide diagnostic procedures including lung perfusion & ventilation, bone, renal, biliary system, Meckel’s, infection/ inflammation, thyroid/ parathyroid, lymph node imaging, sentinel node (breast) probe studies, gastric motility and bile salt absorption studies, and lacrimal drainage.