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British Red Cross

The British Red Cross will be supporting a vital project, aimed at delivering an enhanced discharge support service, extending support to the community of Bedfordshire and Luton.

Thanks to NHSCT funding, the project will support and provide care for patients once they leave hospital and ensure that they are settling back in to the community safely.

By supporting the safe discharge of patients from hospital into their homes and community, BRC will help to ensure that ‘blockers’ which may prevent patients from being discharged are both identified and resolved. This will help alleviate pressures on the NHS and be key to ensuring patient are safely setting into their homes and community. By undertaking activities such as facilitating the delivery of medicine and equipment, it further reduces the need for re-admission of patients.

Patients will continue receiving support as the programme will ensure that wellbeing checks are performed before and after discharge. BRC will ensure that upon discharge, patients are able to access vital resources, such as practical and emotional support.

Thanks to NHSCT, we are excited to see this project delivered and to see the impact it will have on the communities of Bedfordshire.