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Stroke Unit

In the UK, Stroke strikes every 5 minutes – that’s over 100,000 people per year!

Our Stroke Unit provides specialist medical and rehabilitation services to hundreds of people every year. The unit manages patients undergoing emergency hyper acute interventions such as thrombolysis from around the region. Thrombolysis is a ‘clot-busting’ drug used to try and stop more damage to the brain in the early stages of a Stroke occurring. This form of treatment is not appropriate for all patients as Stroke affects everybody differently.

Whilst all patients are affected in different ways, some may require to spend a period of time in hospital afterwards, making sure they are well enough and have the right support before they go home. Rehabilitation is crucial to recovery as many patients will need to learn how to do certain things again. Studies show that the surroundings people are cared for in have an impact both on the speed and quality of their recovery.

Recent fundraising initiatives have benefitted the unit, and our patients in a variety of ways:

  • Refurbishment of our family room: this room will used as a safe space, a calming environment for patients and their families to sit in allowing them to separate themselves from a clinical setting. This room may be used for a time of relaxation, or even as a place for communication to take place between families and staff, in a more serene and comfortable place away from the ward.
  • Ongoing refurbishment of Therapy Zone: this space will offer physical rehabilitation, a quiet space for well-being sessions, and a room without distractions for cognitive rehabilitation or speech and language therapy. Rehabilitation after a stroke is fundamental and the right environment for recovery is so important. The impact of this kind of space for patient recovery can be transformative.
  • Moving and handling equipment: purchase of Sara Steady transfer aids and reclining armchairs –these are integral to promoting independence and recovery following a stroke.

To donate, visit out JustGiving page or if you would like to find out more about the Stroke Unit or fundraising for other areas within the Hospital, please feel free to contact the Fundraising Team on 01582 718 289 or email